Cache Ami

My name is Nicole, Cache Ami’s founder. I am highly driven and motivated by Cache and everything that I strive for with Cache Ami. In 2016, Cache was merely 2 months when I became his dog mom. Besides being my lovely dog, he is the CEO as well.



Back in 2017, I met a young lady who had recovered from a mastectomy. The lady shared the doctor advised a dog to provide emotional assistance. I was highly inspired by her situation thence self-driven into the move to support a survivor of a dog or even women striving with breast cancer. I maintained a healthy relationship with her, extending a package to her for breast cancer awareness. She greatly appreciated the support. In the course of events, I felt encouraged and motivated to support more and more. Annually, Cache Ami supports breast cancer awareness by creating sweatshirt giveaways for dogs.



The peak of the pandemic highly drove the move to launch Cache Ami. At first, Cache Ami was just a dog apparel business but after my local pet store went out of business I was encouraged to provide organic dog treats.

Happiness for our four-legged family and proven dedication to health marks the beginning of the hospitality services of Cache Ami. Our rendered treats are freshly baked with organic ingredients.